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Tips on Throwing the Best Herb-Themed Party

by Angel Ferrer 4 min read

Tips on Throwing the Best Herb-Themed Party

How to Throw a Great Weed-Themed Party

So you want to throw a hemp party? Right on man (or woman)! 

Maybe you’re getting together with your tribe for 4/20, maybe it’s your cannabis-enthusiast friend’s birthday, or maybe you want to throw a party for no reason at all. 

Whatever your inspiration, an herb-themed party is a great way to make lasting memories and enjoy cannabis with others that appreciate your taste in herb.

Read on and incorporate the tips in this guide to throwing the best herb-themed bash on the block!

MUNCHIES…need we say more?

Eat some food

Let’s face it, stoners love them some good food, and frankly, so does everyone else. So why no make munchies your first priority.

Food is always the center of attention at any party, but it’s even more important for a party where many of the attendees will be enjoying their favorite herb and working up an appetite.

Below we outline a few suggestions as to the types of food and ideas for your herb-themed party.

Options include:

1. Traditional munchies

No herb-themed party is complete without traditional cannabis munchies.

We know you probably already have a go-to list, but here’s our list of favorite finger foods—just in case you need ideas: 

  • Chips
  • Oreos
  • Cheese balls
  • Rice Krispies
  • Pizza rolls
  • Cookie dough
  • Cheetos

If you have some guests on a diet, be sure to stack up on some healthy snacks, such as:

  • Mixed nuts or trail mix
  • Popcorn
  • Fruit
  • Hummus

2. Cannabis-infused snacks

What’s a stoner party without cannabis food? While vaping and dabbing might be fun, sometimes you just want a rich, mouth-watering marijuana brownie.

Brownies aren’t the only go-to for cannabis-infused food. In fact, foods that have to be heated or baked (like brownies) could lose some of their cannabinoids during the cooking process if heated too much; that’s why it’s important to select snacks that won’t destroy your herb’s compounds as they cook.

Some great party-pleasers include:

  • Chips and dip (guacamole and cheese dip are both great options)
  • Pizza
  • Cookies and cupcakes
  • Bagel bites (with cannabis-infused spreads)

Masking hemp’s taste can be tricky. If you’re not confident in your own cooking skills, it’s okay to purchase edibles instead of making them. Purchasing edibles also ensures THC dosage remains consistent through each serving (for those who prefer a smaller high). 

Don’t forget to label which snacks are “herb” and which are not.

Hydration and Drinks

Too much THC has the potential to induce anxiety and dry mouth. The last thing you want at your party is a room full of panicked, parched guests. Make sure to provide a number of readily available and accessible ways for your guests to stay hydrated. 

Mixing caffeine and cannabis isn’t usually a good idea, and caffeine is dehydrating, so keep coffee and tea to a minimum. To keep your guests healthy and hydrated, opt for caffeine-free sodas, water, lemonade and sports drinks such as Gatorade.

Everyone Likes Games

A party can get pretty boring without some form of entertainment.  

Unless you’re going to binge-watch the latest Netflix series or throw a raging dance party, having a few games planned can help people loosen up, laugh, and (maybe) get a little high.

Cannabis-Friendly Games

Plenty of traditional party games have cannabis equivalents. For example, you can play “Never Have I Ever,” but require everyone to take an edible or a hit when they lose a point. Or you could set up a favorite board game, and require everyone to vape the same number of spaces they move on the board.

If you want to spice up your Netflix binge, you could tell everyone to take a hit when a character says a specific catchphrase. For more active groups, set up some minute-to-win-it games—loser takes a hit (or winner takes a hit).

Games to play while high

Sometimes, it’s nice to have some herb-free games planned. These can give you a break from cannabis without stopping the party.

Any games involving coordination, from Operation to limbo (or even Twister) can be fun to play once you’re high. If you’re suffering from a case of couchlock, set up a Wii game or one of the Mario games to make some memories without leaving your spot.

Try New Herb Strains

The best part of any cannabis party is, of course, cannabis. If you’re hosting the party, ask friends to bring their favorite variety of herb to share. 

Everyone has different tastes—and hosting a “weed potluck” allows you to try varieties you probably wouldn’t pick out for yourself. It’ll also cut back on the cost (important if you’re providing all the munchies).

Stay Safe

Your marijuana bash will be full of fantastic memories, laughs, and great vaping. Don’t spoil it with end-of-the-night drama.

We all know driving while high is both illegal and dangerous. Before the party, decide whether you’d like to invite friends to sleep over or request they get an Uber home. Then let your guests know...if your friends drive to your house, then Uber home, you’re stuck with their car in your driveway. 

Also, make sure you know the signs of unpleasant reactions from guests who partake. They are rare, but can happen. Seizures, panic, hallucinations, or a fast heart rate can all indicate dangerous levels of THC. Don’t be afraid to call 911 if your friends need help.

Get Lit

And that’s it! Planning a pot party isn’t hard, especially when you have a great group of friends to help out. Pick some games, grab some edibles, and make some memories (or don’t, sometimes it’s hard to remember what happens when you’re high).

Have a good time? Do it again the next month! You don’t need an occasion to get high with your friends.