Viteglass - 23" Voyager + Dual Perc Bong

Product Description

2 Combinations in 1

Get the most bang for your buck, this 3 piece set is 2 great bongs in 1.

Our prized Voyager base comprises of an inline downstem, a large honeycomb disc perc assembled inside a beaker base. If that's not enough, now you can add a dual percolator of your choice on top, and lastly finish it off with another UFO mouthpiece.

That's a total of 5 percolators in this 23" masterpiece, which also doubles as our top seller, the 16" Voyager. 

It's the Voyager that goes beyond.


  • Cool Bong
  • Ice Bong
  • Big Bong
  • Beaker Bong
  • Percolator Bong

Plant 3 trees

When purchased as a set, you get 2 FREE connector rings and cleaning plugs worth over $70.