Delta Munchies - Delta 8 LA Confidential 2G Disposable Vape

Product Description

LA Confidential, also known as “OG Confidential” and simply “Confidential,” is a pure Indica that has a smooth, herbal, and piney flavor profile—packed with cannabis-forward terpenes to give a super calm, mellow, and relaxing experience


  • Indica
  • Life Span: 1000 Draws
  • Amount of Extract: 2 gram
  • Extraction Material: Hemp
  • 2000MG of Delta8 THC
  • Rechargeable 

    NOTE: This Delta 8 product CANNOT BE SHIPPED to the following states: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Kentucky, Idaho, Iowa, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, New York, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, and Washington