Indacloud - Strawberry Lifter Delta 8 Flower

Product Description

From package, flower, flavor, to high this is exactly what you’re looking for from a Delta-8 infused hybrid flower experience. When you first smell the flower you’ll pick up on the earthy undertones followed by the distinct sweet fruity smell of fresh summer strawberries and cream. Our customers widely report the feeling of a weight being lifted off their shoulders from the stress relieving combination of Lifter CBD flower and Strawberry Cough Terps, working in tandem to help release the daily stresses.

Of all the myriad ways we can consume the cannabis plant, smoking remains one of the most iconic and traditional—it’s an activity you can enjoy outdoors, indoors, alone or in the company of strangers and close friends. All the intimacy, smoothness and giddy joy that you associate with smoking hemp or cannabis increases tenfold when you smoke Indacloud’s variety of Delta 8-infused CBD flower. Bolstered with unique terpenes, our flower is sure to deliver a smooth smoking experience and great flavors. Each package contains 5 grams of CBD hemp flower infused with a selection of Terpenes and our signature Delta 8 distillate.


  • Strain: Hybrid
  • Contains: Lifter CBD hemp flower, infused with Strawberry Cough terpenes and our signature Delta 8 distillate
  • Size: 5 Grams
  • Quality: All products are multi-stage lab tested before and after production

    NOTE: This Delta 8 product CANNOT BE SHIPPED to the following states: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Kentucky, Idaho, Iowa, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, New York, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, and Washington